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Financial Aid

Financial aid is any grant or scholarship to help a poor/financially weak student meet his/her college expenses. Such aid is usually provided by the various sources such as state agencies, colleges, schools, foundations and corporates.

In every academic session Govt. Degree College Kathua constitutes a Financial Aid Committee for selecting and recommending the genuine financially weak students enrolled in the college. The financial aid provided to the students covers only the admission fee. The amount of financial aid that a student receives is determined by the state and institution guidelines.

In the academic sessions 2014-15 and 2015-16 amounts worth Rs. 500800.00 and Rs. 242000.00 respectively were sanctioned and disbursed among the financially weak students enrolled as regular students in the college. In the previous academic session 2016-17 an amount of Rs. 252000.00 was sanctioned and disbursed uniformly among 63 students recommended by the Financial Aid Committee of the college.

For the forthcoming academic session 2017-18 Financial Aid Committee of the college comprises of the following staff members

1. Mr. Shub Kumar (Convenor)

2. Dr. Rajesh Sharma

3. Mr. Ajmair Singh

4. Ms. Madhvi Manohar Lal

5. Ms. Shivali Rattan

6. Dr. Kehar Singh

7. Mr. Ajay Kumar Sharma

8. Dr. Suresh Sharma

9. Dr. Kulbir Singh

10. Ms. Neha Gupta