
[email protected]

Activity Calender for the session 2018-2019

S.No. Event Dates
1.Principal's address to Part-I students 22-07-2018
2. Independence Day celebration 15-08-2018
3. Alumni meet 1st week of Oct. 2018
4. Gandhi Jayanti Celebration 01-10-2018 in lieu of 2nd Oct.
5. Celebration of NSS Day 25-10-2018
6. International Harmony day 01-11-2018
7. National Education Day 11-11-2018
8. Quami Ekta celebration 19-11-2018 onwards
9. Commencement of 1st internal assessment test 22nd Nov. 2018
10. Blood donation camp 30-11-2018
11. Two days national level seminar 1st week of November
12. World AIDS Day 01-12-2018
13. Picnics 27th and 28th Dec. 2018
14. World Human Rights Day 10-12-2018
15. Educational Tour During Winter break
16. National Youth Day 12-01-2019
17. Republic Day Celebration 26-01-2019
18. Martyr Day 30-01-2019
19. Commencement of 2nd and IIIrd Semester Classes 16th of Jan. 2019
20. National Conference Last week of Feb. 2019
21. Subject tours Last week of Feb. 2019
22. One Day Science Workshop Last week of Feb. 2019
23. Annual Day 1st week of March 2019

Note: In the interest of college administration, these events can be pre-poned or Postponed